November 4th and 5th will take place the ESRI conference in Spain (Madrid)>>LINK where SAP will be sponsoring the water track. Craig Lees from Loudoun Water (US) will make a presentation (The GIS + SAP Asset Management Bond) about the integration of ESRI GIS and SAP using Geo.e component delivered by SAP Consulting. Craig Less will explain during the first day of the conference the project scope, the challenges of the project as well as the benefits of the Geo.e solution. The second day Craig will present (12a.m), within the water track ,all the details of the project.
Even the solution is presented around a customer from the water industry all customers from the ENR industry (Electricity, Gas, Oil&Gas, Mining and Chemicals) that are facing challenges in the integration between GIS and SAP are welcome to come to conference and check the new integration method that ESRI and SAP are proposing.
SAP GEO.e stands for the geographical enablement of SAP. With GEO.e it is now possible to add also spatial attributes to almost any SAP object as well as synchronize the information between the GIS and SAP system. This spatial attribute can be either a point, a line or a polygon (see example below)
The access to the conference is free of charge and you just need to subscribe before the event.
If you want to meet me at the conference you can send me an email to jordi.masip@sap.com