In this post I want to share with you my expirience of UMC OData services consumption with simple AngularJS application.
This application contains the form with account details information. Data for the form is retrieved with UMC OData service.
Here are the staps I have taken:
1) Create a simple angularjs application that displays the form and contains a single global controller that handles the logic;
2) Create angularjs services for the entities Account and AccountTitle of the UMC OData service ERP_UTILITIES_UMC.
These services implement GetEntity and GetEntitySet methods for entities Account and AccountTitle;
3) Define data binding between controller's scope and the form fields;
4) Upload final application to the Netweaver system as mime repository objects of the SICF public service. Note that Netweaver system has been set up as
Netweaver Gateway Hub system for the UMC beforehand.
As a final result I have got a simple angularjs application that displays the form that is populated with the data from the backend ERP system:
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.
You can find all the files of the application in this plunker.